Protect Your Investment: How PPF Film Can Save You Thousands in Car Repairs!

May 31, 2023

Protect Your Investment: How PPF Film Can Save You Thousands in Car Repairs!

If you own a car, then you’ve undoubtedly had that sinking feeling when a stone chip gouges your prized paintwork. Or perhaps that badly-judged turn when you rubbed a fender against a parking lot wall or (horror of horrors) you came back to your parked car to find someone had scraped the side…

Even if you claim on your insurance, the resulting (often substantial!) increase in premium the following year is an unwanted repercussion. But… Did you know that installing advanced paint protection film (PPF) on your ride can save you thousands of bucks over time?

Let’s take a look at why…

How PPF Film Can Save You Money Over the Long Term

  • PPF film protects against paintwork damage
  • PPF film protects from environmental damage
  • PPF film protects your investment

PPF film protects against paintwork damage

PPF is one of the best methods of protecting your car’s paintwork from accidental damage. This cleverly designed product is melded over the surface of the bodywork, where it adheres to an invisible protective layer.

Not only does its tough properties prevent items, such as bouncing stones, twigs, and other physical objects from touching and damaging the paintwork, but it also has the most incredible self-healing properties. This means that if, for example, a stone hits the car, causing the PPF to distort or even be damaged, it can easily be returned to its original state. This is done by applying a little heat (such as warm water) that causes it to morph back to its unadulterated form. It’s a bit like magic to see in action…

The advantages of this don’t need much introduction. Such a product can remove many instances of needing to replace a damaged panel, plus the associated labor and respray costs. With even the smallest ding or dent amounting to four-figure repair bills, the benefits of PPF become immediately obvious.

PPF film protects from environmental damage

Even if we don’t look at accident and damage repair, there are also the sun and other environmental issues all conspiring to wreck your precious paintwork. UV rays bleach the color and richness from the paint, bird droppings cause stains and corrosion, acid rain creates almost imperceptible erosion that adds up to color fade over time…

PPF can prevent all of these from even reaching the paintwork in the first place. This protects the depth of color and that luscious gleam that turns heads every time you drive down the street.

PPF film protects your investment

Last, but certainly not least, both of the above protective properties mean that your car will better retain its value. Let’s face it, we all want our rides to look their best. So, it makes sense that a vehicle that’s had its paintwork well-protected over many years is going to command a higher price.

Ask any car dealer and they’ll tell you the same. A car that’s had high-end PPF installed is worth more than one that hasn’t. Great quality PPF comes with multiple year’s guarantee (typically 4 years upwards), meaning that once it’s installed, you can relax knowing your wheels are well protected from those minor bugbears that eat away at its precious worth. 

Get the Best PPF Film at Auto SuperShield

PPF film should only be applied by an expert. Sure, you can purchase it online and give it a go yourself, but are you sure that you can a) prep your ride correctly (trust us, this takes at least a day of meticulous work) and b) apply it without a single mistake?

When you task the experts at Auto SuperShield with your PPF film installation, you can rest assured that you’ve partnered with the best provider in Florida—even if we do say so ourselves.

But don’t just take our word for it! Visit for more info and check out the huge number of online reviews from previous satisfied customers. We look forward to hearing from you…


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